If you are new to web designing, you may find it difficult to understand terms like inline CSS, HTML tags, tag attributes and etc. So before we move on to our upcoming lessons we thought of explaining a little bit about some technical terms in HTML (Hyper Text Makeup Language) that you will come across in next few lessons. It is only a very brief guide and for the moment it will help you to understand your next few lessons very easily.
First I want to draw your attention to two words in HTML.
HTML tags and tag attributes
- HTML tags describe the webpage elements. Normally HTML tags comes in pairs (<tagname>Content</tagname>).
- The pairs are called as start tag and the end tag.
- Some people call it as opening tag and closing tag.
- Tags are covered with two angle brackets <opening tag>Content</closing tag>.
- Closing tag contains an extra slash "/".
- There are HTML attribute for HTML tags.
- Attributes add additional information to tag.
- Attributes always goes inside the Opening tag.
- They comes in name/value pairs like: name="value"
Well, our next lesson will be on Learn To Embed A YouTube Video With Effects On Your Blog Post.
YouTube embed code have two HTML tags. Opening iframe tag (<iframe>) and closing iframe tag (</iframe>). As I mentioned, there are HTML attribute for HTML tags. The texts highlighted with blue color are the tag attributes. (eg: height, width, src)
<iframe frameborder="0" height="360" width="640" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/PkVbF9DmtSw" > </iframe>
Earlier I mentioned that tag attributes come in pairs like name="value". So you can always change the value of the attribute to make a change you desire and also you can add style attributes inside the HTML code to have more changes. You will be learning how to do these modifications in the respective lesson itself.
Same way in our Style Your Blogger Post Text with CSS lesson you will learn to edit your post text using the span tag. Under this tutorial you'll learn about the span tag.
The <span> tag provides a way to add a hook to a part of a text or a part of a document. It allows grouping some elements. In order to style our text we use span tag to group our text. Then we insert a style attribute inside the opening span tag to style our text. You will be learning these things too in the respective lesson.
Again in our Adding Images To Your Blogger Blog With Style lesson, we use the same principle. We add a style attribute inside the <img> tag. If you follow our Embed YouTube Video lesson carefully, you wouldn't find it hard to add effects to your images.