Your Guide Starts From Here

Hello, We humbly welcome you all to our blog.

This entire blog is dedicated to help you in creating and customizing your Blogger blog. We have started our lessons from the very basics and they will cover all most all the facts you need to know about Blogger blogs. Here we tried our best to explain everything as simple as possible with the help of screen shots and short videos. The ultimate aim of our blog is to prepare you to create awesome Blogger blogs.  At the end of the guide we are sure that you will find it stupid simple to build up your own blogs with stylish effects. Enjoy reading. Thank you for visiting us.

Why Blogger?

This video was created in 2011. But can you imagine that Blogger has been improved ever since and it will continue to improve in the future as well? Never forget, Google's super power is always behind the platform.

We have created a series of lessons, starting from the very basics yet covering all the important areas in blogging. Our lesson series is much similar to a stepwise guide with each lesson explaining different aspects of blogging in a very simple and sequential manner. Once you follow the lessons you yourself will be convinced, that how easily you learn up things little by little. So give it a try and start your journey as a super blogger!
Lesson 1: Six Simple Steps To Create Your First Blogger Blog
After reading this tutorial, you'll learn the basic steps you need to follow to create your first Blogger blog. Here I have divided the whole process in to six simple steps so that any of you can follow it easily. We've also mentioned the importance of selecting a proper blog title and a url for your blog.

Lesson 2: Have A Quick Overview Of Your Blogger Dashboard
In this post I’d like to give you an introduction to the Blogger dashboard.

Lesson 3: It's time to create your first blog post
Success of your blog will depend on how well you create your blog posts. This tutorial is all about creating blog posts.

Lesson 4: HTML color codes
As an aid for our next few lessons, we are going to talk briefly about HTML color codes. You may need this knowledge to understand the future lessons clearly.

Lesson 5: Brief Introduction To HTML Before Moving Forward
If you are new to web designing, you may find it difficult to understand terms like inline CSS, HTML tags, tag attributes and etc. We thought of explaining little bit about some technical terms in HTML (Hyper Text Makeup Language) that you will come across in next few lessons.

Lesson 6: Learn To Embed YouTube Video On Your Blog Post
Sometimes you may have to embed YouTube videos to your post. Here we are going to focus on,
  • How to embed a YouTube video on your post?
  • How to center your YouTube video?
  • How to change the height and the width of your YouTube video?
  • How to add and customize a border for your YouTube video?
  • How to add a shadow box to your YouTube video?

Lesson 7: Style Your Blogger Post Text with CSS
In this tutorial we are going to tell you how to edit your post text using HTML span tag.

Lesson 8: Adding images to your blog with effects
Images always help to make our blog look good for our readers. In this tutorial you'll learn how to add images to your blog post and how to style your image with nice effects.